So quick update since I managed to spare a minute online... placement at Weapon 7 is going great! Working on some tough stuff, but we are dedicated to cracking this one brief!! Its times like this you wish you could get into the Planners head to see if there is some hidden meaning behind the wording they used,lol.
This is the link to the agency
Theres a wonderful bunch of people there, creatives and planners, and feels good not to be the only Aussie there... they seem to have a little grouping of International people... a spaniard, south african, new zealander and another Aussie. Definately helps you fit in, especially when the english people talk about their shows and gossip which you know NOTHING about! I know I live in London now, but Im still not as completely used to british humour, took me long enough to get used to american humour, and that was 4 years of it and living with americans.
One of our legendary leaders, Jason and the guys at the agency also have formed their own band and I have to say, they are pretty talented. Check them out here..
Its been a great two weeks so far, and I have to thank Ant and Jason so so much for being so welcoming and helpful and giving us some great feedback on work. They don't just consider the work your doing for the agency, but they give you some great tips for what to add to your portfolio too. I will greatly miss them and everyone once we finish up.
Anyways its long weekend, so Im off, but since our placement has been extended, now got another week to enjoy ourselves and work our butts off! Hopefully the bribing with lollies and chocolates along with our ability to talk alot will win them over.... but thats just wishful thinking,lol.