Now i have followed St Lukes work for a while, and it wasnt until today I went to the website and realised what the whole vajajay thing was about. Anyways to get to the point... some of the name they have listed on their website are hilarious, it had my copywriter, my brother and myself laughing our heads off. "My old jam roll" is a fave with my CW, and I just cant pick one right now because Im still laughing at the ones popping up on the website at http://www.loveyourvagina.com/ My brother is liking "scrambled eggs between the legs". The only one I am questioning is the croatian one... zenskost... now being a Croatian myself, I have never heard anyone in my family say that before... but I should be glad because I never want to hear anyone saying any of these words!! Grandma and mum included! haha Although downstairs is the most common term I have heard being used. Should I risk it and ask my grandma what she calls it? hahahahahaha maybe not.
Anyways kudos to St Lukes, you can check out their blog at http://eatthewholebuffalo.blogspot.com/